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Welcome To PLR For Business!

Welcome to my new PLR For Business site, this website dedicated to helping you learn to use PLR content and products in your business, to save you time, money and ultimately help you grow your internet business using done-for-you PLR. Visit our blog for the latest guides, tips and strategies to maximizing the usage of private label rights content to boost your online business marketing efforts. If you're not sure what PLR is, click this link.

Here's a PLR training video to get you started - watch it and implement what you learn to start using PLR in your business successfully.

PLR - Things You Need To Know

Advice on things you should and should not do with PLR Content

Many times things get hectic and extremely business when you are trying to run an Internet marketing business and website. This can cause you to think that you don’t have any time or creativity at all to continue to promote your brand and raise your ranking, as well as try to get more clients and customers. However, there is a way to do that easier and faster through the use of PLR or Private Label Rights content.

PLR content is content that someone else writes, then they sell it to you and you are allowed to change it up anyway that you wish and use it any way that you wish. If that sounds fantastic, then keep reading because although PLR material can be a godsend to a business, you have to use it correctly or it will do the opposite. Here are some Dos and Don’ts involving the use of PLR content.

Don’t Forget to Customize PLR Content

Buying a packet of PLR articles or an e-Book, etc. and slapping your own business name onto it is not the answer to all of your advertising problems. You must be willing to customize any PLR content that you purchase and make it reflect the facts of your own product and services. Think about how you can personalize it and get your potential customers to think of your brand as THE ONE to buy that particular product or service from.

Do Read the PLR Material and Make Sure it is Usable

While it may seem like no one would make this mistake, some people buy PLR material up and don’t really read it well to see what they have purchased. They just slap their name on it and barely personalize it. That can lead to putting out poor or outdated information or telling your potential customers things that have nothing to do with your own products and services. PLR material, even if it is from your own business niche, may not always be on a topic that you can or even should be using. So, make sure you know what you are getting when you buy PLR products. 

Simple trick: Let's say you're in the gardening niche, and want to add some blog posts on your blog or want to get a lead magnet/report to build your list, all you have to do is download gardening PLR content from a quality PLR provider and you'll be set. This will save you time from writing yourself and save you huge fees on paying expensive copywriters.

Do Remove Bad Links and Change Other Links

Do get rid of all the bad links that may exist in PLR materials that you purchase. You have to test all links and in some cases you have to remove their links and insert your own in their place. If you put out some content with bad links at worse you are irritating your potential customers because the links are broken and go nowhere and horror, you may also be sending them to the competition if you forget to take out the old links that may lead to someone else’s business website. Always check the links in any PLR you buy!

Do Modify And Add Some Value

Do always modify PLR content you buy and rework it to add in some additional value for your customers. You can put in some new graphics, add a few more relevant facts, put in some real life anecdotes from your own business, etc. All of these things add value and help to get you loyal customers.

Don’t Forget about Keywords

Let the PLR articles help you to rank higher with the search engines. You can do this by adding in the relevant keywords to your niche when you are redoing them. Be sure to do some current research and find out what keywords are currently trending in your market so you are putting in the ones that will get you the most traffic and new business.

Do Modify Graphics

Do be sure to modify or change any graphics that you find in the PLR content you buy. You should try to make it as personal as possible in relation to your own business. Put in photos of your brick and mortar store or employees to put a face to the name of your business, put in a diagram of your product, and add an interesting infographic. All of these things can make it perk up and be much more interesting and help you to gain traffic and loyal customers. To find products that already have existing graphics, that you can edit with your branding, click here.

All in all, PLR content, like private label rights video products can be your best friend and a real help in promoting your business brand, just be sure to use it correctly and follow the above Dos and Don’ts.

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